2020 Week 03

Packers 42 Lyins 21

Well, it didn’t start out the way we wanted or expected it to with the Lyin’s marching down the field not once, but twice to start the game and all we had to answer was a field goal.  But by half time, the universe had balanced itself out with a missed field goal by the Lyin’s, giving the Pack a 17-14 lead going into the locker room. 

2020 Week 02

Packers 43 Viqueens 34

This week has personally felt like a long month for me. And it has actually been a long month as well. Several months. In so many ways. I’m sure I’m not exactly the Lone Ranger on that front in these Twilight Zone times, but it gets old proverbially getting hit in the mouth and kicked in the balls on a daily basis…

2020 Week 01

A Season Like No Other

Since the outbreak of the Covid virus earlier this year, many things have changed.  Almost all summer events were cancelled.  Schools, Churches, restaurants, sports and “non-essential” stores were closed.  Many states closed their borders and told everyone to stay at home.  As time went on, restaurants and store have reopened with state re-strictions.  Grub Hub and Door Dash are the way to go. Schools are a blend of classroom and home school.  Some sports restarted on modified schedules, including the NFL.  Gone are Pre-season games and live fans. Players had an option to sit this one out and there are more options for teams to be able to field a healthy team each week.